Mandy Davis + Andy Snelgar

Exhibition Dates 6 April to 14 May 2017
Opening Friday 7 April 6pm $10 entry/$7 FOGs Members
Established artists Mandy Davis and Andy Snelgar exhibit for the first time in Barraba marray nyaanyila, My spirit saw. Both Artists have exhibited extensively and have works held in major institutions and many private collectors both Nationally and Internationally.
Mandy Davis is a Biripi woman with strong connections to Worimi Country, painting country and family for over 25 years. ‘Country shows me her colours and I paint my connection to saltwater through the turquoise and blues in my artwork. I am passionate about our language Gathang the language that my Grandmother and Great Grandmother spoke. Gathang is a revitalised language that was almost lost and my journey with language has connected me even more to barray and who I am as a Biripi woman.’
Andy Snelgar is an Ngemba carver based on the New South Wales north coast, working with both hardwoods and softwoods to create shields, mirru, boomerangs, and clubs. Andy started carving, 25 years ago, under the instruction of his uncle Paul Gordon, a respected elder of the Ngemba - Gurru-Gillu tribal association. Snelgar works with the natural shapes of the timber to tell stories of country and place through intricate carved line work and cultural symbols.
Both Artists are active educators and community members, working with schools, higher education and groups teaching language, and cultural knowledge, it is a privilege to have them exhibit at the Gallery. Exhibition catalogue Mandy Davis(PDF, 3MB) + Andy Snelgar(PDF, 3MB)