Transform Tuesday @MRG PEG
A creative activity for all ages!
Every Tuesday we will post a new creative prompt of an everyday item that can be found in your home eg. a peg or scissors (this item will change each week)
Your task is to create an image that includes this everyday item and share it with us online.
Why get involved?
Creative thinking is the place that all artwork starts.
It’s the way people can explore opportunities to look at life differently.
We can think creatively about anything. We can reimagine objects that exist in day to day life and pull ideas from our imaginations to bring them to life new and fun ways.
It’s never too late to start thinking creatively. Sure it comes easier to some but everyone can develop the ability to think creatively, it just takes practice.
Don’t worry if your piece doesn’t turn out how you thought it would, it’s the process that counts.
Be a part of our Transform Tuesday activity each week. We’d love to see the results!
Share with us via Facebook messenger, upload to Insta or post to your wall with #TransformTuesdayMRG or email to [email protected]
Some artists to research who use this technique are:
Victor Nunes (@victornunesfaces)
Christoph Niemann @abstractsunday