Exhibition dates 14 March - 10 May 2025
POSTWORLD features Australian artists who create parallel universes. Audiences are invited into the playful, sublime, poetic and cautionary in this exhibition. Drawing on the detritus of human experience, these worlds have their own internal languages existing in alternate time and space.
As this show was built, each artist’s work expanded on this thematic provocation, finding pathways to comfort, resistant to the overwhelming sense of panic. Stillness, awe and appreciation resonated, honouring the world beyond its utility to provide resources for consumption in the Anthropocene.
New fictions (and possible futures) are rendered, providing alternate perspectives on the environment, gender and capitalist hegemony.
Alison Bennett (VIC), Neil Binnie (QLD), K.Verell (Blue Screen of Death) (TAS), Gail Mabo (QLD), Ron McBurnie (QLD), Jenny Mulcahy (QLD), Catherine Parker (QLD), David Rowe (QLD), Jason Sims (SA), Stephen Spurrier (QLD), Rhonda Stevens (QLD).
image: Ron McBurnie, Catherine Parker and Stephen Spurrier,
Cosmic Witness series, 2012–2022
Mixed media on paper
42 x 29cm
Courtesy of the artists.