'Bodies' and 'Form and Function' National Gallery Australia Art Cases

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Exhibition dates 17 March - 11 April 2025

Have you ever wanted to see – and touch – works of art from the national collection? We are hosting the National Gallery of Australia’s Art Cases which offer people across Australian communities the chance to do just that.

Every Friday from 11am Gallery staff will have a facilitated session with the cases, come along and learn more about these incredible works of art. 

For access outside these times or for group bookings please contact the Gallery on (02) 7955 7074 or email [email protected]

The Art Cases are generously supported by the Neilson Foundation with grateful acknowledgement of founding patrons Elaine and Jim Wolfensohn.
Right: Installation view, ‘Bodies’ Art Case (red), 2023, 
National Gallery of Australia, Kamberri/Canberra 
© the artists


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