Young Archie competition Celebration

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Celebrating our young Artists from around the region we will announce the winners of the Young Archie competition.
Budding artists between the ages of 5 and 18 submitted portraits of a person who is special to them - someone who is known to you and plays a significant role in your life.
We prefer that the portrait is ‘painted from life’ and that your subject has a sitting for their portrait, like with the Archibald Prize. You may also create the portrait from memory or take your own photograph to use for reference.
There are four age categories:
• 5-8 year olds
• 9-12 year olds
• 13-15 year olds
• 16-18 year olds
The competition was judged by Steve Williams and Rachel Piercy, based on merit and originality.
Finalists from each category are exhibited at the Gallery. One winner will be chosen in each category. Each winner will receive prizes provided by ANZ






  • Thursday, 14 July 2022 | 05:30 PM - 06:30 PM


Manning Regional Art Gallery, 12 Macquarie Street, TAREE, 2430, View Map

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